This Vexes me terribly…

My work at HoL is a passionate endeavour that, for the most part, brings me joy and fulfillment. It gives me a sense of purpose. But there are times when it leaves emotionally drained and overwhelmed.

Today was one of those days. I got to my house plopped on the couch and zoned out in front of the television. Later I went to the kitchen fixed myself a drink and the cried. I cried for Richard, a diabetic boy in grade one who is seriously sick with a throat infection. I am a father and I want for kids at HoL what I want for my own kids. But the situation at the moment is such that there is nothing I can do to help. And so over the last four days I have seen this boy’s health deteriorate to the point that as i write this note he cannot get out bed or even speak.

This vexes me terribly.

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